Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Dragon Forge

There's just simple not enough dragon sims out there. Actually, there aren't any dragon sims as far as I know. So one needs to be made!

So many different directions to take, this will be hard. There's three approches that I can think of off hand.

  1. Total Control - The simulation is the world around you, not the creature. Awfuly close to an RPG though.
  2. American Sim Style - You can either let the sim wonder off on it's own, or step in and provide total control for a bit. This is the 'The Sims' style of control
  3. Asian Sim Style - This is modeled after Princess Maker 2 and Knight Creator (which is a title only someone from Taiwan would probably reconize). You still have a high degree of control over the creature, but the only time you have 'total' control is during fight scenes. You decide what the creature will learn, but over stress and it will start to rebel.
Probably go with the Asian style.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Quest for the Pefect Cup of Tea

Would work best in a fantasy setting (hence me doing it with NWN) but could work in a sci-fi settitng as well.

Random though: Board game would work quite well, no need to limit this one to the computer

The goal is to create the perfect cup of tea. Of course, this is not easy. Especially when the individual wanting the perfect cup is a rather power mage(warlord/whatever) that's a bit mentaly unstable. And has decided that you will help make this tea or else.

There are four kinds of leaves that are needed for this tea. The first is close by, in the mages garden to be exact. Of course, said garden is the home for a wide range of living, carnivorous, and very hungry, plants.

Another kind is held by a merchant who wants a high price. If you can smooth talk the merchant, you find out he's convinced the mage that the leaf won't taste right if taken by force, and that the merchant fears for his life trying to leave, both from the mage plus some local bandits who have heard of the 'golden' herb the merchant has. Deal with the bandits, and he'll freely give over the herb. Or you can just buy it.

Another herb is found high up in the mountains. A local knows where it is, and can provide that information if you help deal with some poachers. Otherwise the mage know roughly where it is, but you'll have to do quite a bit of exploring.

The final 'leaf' is actualy a flower that only blooms at night. The mage knows exactly where it is too. It also happens to be the hunting grounds of a very nasty nocturnal predator (undead maybe?)

This is where refinment is needed. Not sure on rewards, difficulty, or alternate paths.

Parking Lot Tycoon

OK ignore the IP infringement there :p

The general idea came to me while grumbling about parking. Why not have a game in which you are a parking lot owner? Maybe start off small with a tiny self-service lot that you have to collect money from every night. From there you can move up to gated lots, gated garages, monthly parkers, even high tech elevator/fully automated garages! Could take place in a variety of cities, either real or made-up. Keep the economics of the cities simple, such as high crime/low crime, high land value/low land value, certain types of business (commercial, industrial, service) and so on. Not sure what kind of 'disasters' could befall a parking lot, other than perhaps the more high tech ones. I guess mechanical failure, untrustworthy employees, inclement weather (only uncovered lots, minimal increase for covered ones).

Side note: the built in spell-check doesn't work well :p

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

To my students

Feel free to comment at will. With the start of the semester, I will be keeping a Game Idea Journal as well, so you can get an idea of what I'm looking for. Comments are allowed, but I really wouldn't recomend flaming your teacher. Doesn't mean you can't tell me my ideas are horrible, just that you have to say why they're terrible.