Friday, September 08, 2006

Misc Idea

Soul Forge

All creatures have soul energy. Some creatures, if the will is strong enough, can prevent the soul from leaving the plane and instead reform a physical body. Always needs a focal point, a shrine so to speak, and is very, very painful.

Mechanic - On death, player can relenquish sould (reload) or reform. Reform will take player back to a 'recall' point

It is possible to prevent a soul from reforming. Certain areas saturated with certain energies, or specific rituals cast over a room. (there are certain zones that you cannot reform from) Other techniques exist for preventing reformation, varying from simply difficult to extremly evil and forbidden.

The vast majority of creatures do not reform. Rather, they release their energy and their essence rejoins Existance, waiting to be reformed by Existance. Even if a creature reforms, they still release most of their energy.

Released soul energy can be abosrbed, or even crystalized. Absorbing is of medium difficulty, and the majority of sentinants (and some animals) can do it with training, though most don't bother. Crystalizing soul energy is much more difficult, and dangerous, since most creatures that have enough energy to crystalize are very aggressive.

It is possible to crystalize essence. However, doing so is a crime against Existance, and carries harsh penlties. It is also hellishly difficult. Crystalized essence may be several orders of magnitude stronger than normal crystalized soul energy, but few consider the price worth it, given that Existance will not rest until the crystalized essence is freed.

Soul energy can be used to:
  • Enhance the body
  • Enchance the soul (gain levels - very slow)
  • Refresh the body/energy (restore health and magic?)
  • Enhance weapons
  • Enhance magic reserves/power
Skills are incresed by use, training, and study, in order of speed.

Tie in to NWN:
On death, skill check vs Harvest skill to determine Soul Enhance (xp) gained and free soul gained.

Conversation system to handle the use of free soul to enchant items and the other uses.

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