Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dev Environment

Initially I was going to use my staff web page, but two things cooled my heals on that:  Speed and customization. Publishing to my staff page is slooooooooow unless I'm on campus.  Not good for iterative development.  So I switched over to  So far I've enjoyed working with this in-browser dev environment.  As long as I don't go over 1GB of data transfer each month, I'm good.  Of course going over 1GB of data because of people playing WebRogue would be a nice problem to have....  The URL for the project is  At this time I haven't decided on where I'll keep issues/bugs/source control.  Considering using the fine folks at as I really liked their software the one time I got to use it in a commercial project pre-teaching days.

As for progress made: Site is setup, Google API key obtained, and the base index.html page is setup.  Should be able to get the tag setup and get something moving on screen tomorrow.

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