Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Progress report

Tracking down the shim for cross-platform usage of window.requestAnimationFrame was a pain.  Especially since I couldn't remember what it was called, just that Google recommended something besides setInterval for timing for web pages at GDC11.  For those looking for a link: https://gist.github.com/838785 for just the code, and http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/ for the author's original article.

I was considering using inline vectors for the first round, but came across something that gave me a major pause: http://caniuse.com/#cats=SVG  According to this chart, only 16.19% of browsers support in-line SVG.  Ouch.  That's IE 9, Chrome 10, and FF 4 only.  Opera isn't scheduled to support it until 11.5 and Safari not until 6.0.  I'm willing to take some hits on using HTML5 stuff, but not that big of a hit.  HTML5 canvas gives me 51%, which is basically just losing the people stuck on IE 8.  That hit I'm willing to take.  So if you are using IE 8 and have a choice:  go get Chrome or FireFox :)

Slowly getting my head wrapped around javascript again.  It has been a very, very long time since I've worked with it.  Like 12-13 years.  It has changed a lot in that time.  With that said, work on core.js has been started. I need to get a source control repo setup sometime this week.  Not 100% sure how to do that using Kodingen though...

Might finally get something playable tomorrow!

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